Coaching Plans
If you know there's a truth you're missing. If somewhere deep within, you know there has to be another way. A way your body can become - and stay well - you're in the right place. I'm a joy-fuelled intuitive and coach who can support you on your journey to wholeness, and with that wellbeing. Not only have I been an avid studier of holistic natural health for many years I have personal experiences of reversing seemingly till-death-do-us-part health conditions - everything from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome); to a persistent benign cyst that didn't respond to being surgically removed; to ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome); to stage 4 RCC (metastatic renal cell carcinoma), more commonly known under the broader umbrella term of cancer
As a result of my consistent study of alternative healthcare practices and treatments. My body's fantastic willingness to give me new challenges to work through. And my relentless pursuit of going deeper on my journey to return to wholeness, and become who I truly am - in all my wonderful glory - I've come to a place of wellbeing, beyond anything I'd realised was possible
Having worked as a coach since 2009, I'm delighted to now be able to help you on your personal wellbeing journey
Whether you're well, and looking to remain that way
Or experiencing some health issues you want to reverse
I can't offer you a magic spell or a miracle cure. But I can help you navigate a journey to increased wellness using simple and accessible tools and techniques that have worked for many people, including me
Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel – Kevin Trudeau, Author

You Want More Health
You know your health could be better
Maybe, like me, you've had the wake up call of a scary medical diagnosis
We'll work together to help you identify what got you to where you are and what you need to do to change things
Anything the body can create, it can uncreate
We'll work together over the phone or via Google Meet, starting with a two-hour deep dive session, and then 75 minutes a week - plus unlimited WhatsApp and email support - for the duration of the coaching relationship
3-month Coaching Relationship
6-month Coaching Relationship
Please ask about instalments
You Want to Maintain Your Health
You feel mostly ok, other than the odd twinge or minor ailment​
You live fast and you manage your stress. Kind of
Your diet could be better. And you should do more exercise. But who isn't in that situation, right!
But you've had a couple of wake up calls and now all around you people are getting scary diagnoses
And somewhere, in the back of your mind, is a niggle. I could be next. This could be me too
We'll work together over the phone or via Google Meet, starting with a two-hour deep dive session, and then 75 minutes a month - plus WhatsApp and email support - for the duration of the coaching relationship
6-month Coaching Relationship
12-month Coaching Relationship
Please ask about instalments
Time Out to Reboot
Based in the stunning Marina Alta region of Spain, just one hour from Alicante and Valencia airports, we have a little haven of tranquility, high in the mountains, where the wild boar far outnumber the humans. A place where the air is fresh and the water is fresher
During our retreats we provide you with a nutritionally high, enzyme-rich, raw food diet - including juices and smoothes. Yoga. Meditation. Breathwork. Reiki. Time in nature. Coaching. And a host of other therapies and treatments
The house is newly renovated and each of the four double bedrooms are ensuite - offering large walk in showers, heated towel rails and fluffy towels. Each bedroom has hot and cold aircon, as well as the retro option; to open the window to enjoy the fresh mountain air
Downstairs, there is a communal living, dining and kitchen area. With access to the garden and sauna
We have a smart TV to enjoy motivational movies and programmes. As well as fibre-optic broadband for those moments you feel you need to be connected
Our roof terrace lets you enjoy the views. While the surrounding countryside is perfect for gentle walks and time in nature
All our healing retreats are bespoke, and limited to four people. But they can be offered as an individual experience, tailored specifically to you
7 Day Group Healing Retreat
10 Day Group Healing Retreat
Retreats can vary from 7 to 21 days. Please ask for details about other durations and levels of personalisation